Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Have you guys been reading Darcy's blog? They seem to live to make fun of our high school class, I'm just waiting to see them make fun of me! Anyway that's about it, I'm trying to finish up planning for my kids as I'm out at a PD day tomorrow. Posts are getting fewer and farer between. Must mean the novelty is wearing off or we just really suck. I think Friday night I may go to the Rocket game with my mom. For those of you who have lost touch, the Rocket games on a Friday night will be packed and that's where everyone will be so it could be fun. Anyway must get back to American Idol. PS What song should I sing when I audition for Canadian Idol? I have it narrowed down to Amazing Grace or Dirty Pop. You guys vote and I'll take the majority.


The Girls said...

Definitely Amazing Grace, and if you ever made it on to tv I think I would die laughing. Love you! We do suck, or I do anyway, I have no news because I don't do anything except go to work and watch tv. However, Pegs, Hugh and I are going bowling again tomorrow night and I believe we have recruited Jamie Coady and perhaps my cousin and his roomies to come along as well. Could be fun...you never know. I'll update you all as soon as anything remotely exciting happens here in the capital.


The Girls said...

Well CT that is a toughie, I believe that Dirty Pop would be more dramatic. You could incorporate some dance moves. On the other hand Amazing Grace would be more jaw dropping I believe! Are they going to PEI? I would have to watch that one considering everyone and their dog would try out!Let me know when it airs.
What is Darcy's blog? Although I prob. wouldn't know half the people they are making fun of I just think it is funny when people make fun of others (or when people fall). Anyway have a great PD day! Cheers Amanda

The Girls said...

Yes Amanda they are coming to PEI and you're right it will be hilarious. My bro is planning on singing heave away. Darcy's blog is peiiswhere. CT