Sunday, February 06, 2005

Friday night is alright

I finally went out on the town!!! The first time since I have arrived in this crazy city. Monique (a girl Michelle and I met in Aus) took me out with her "party" friends (who were nice but abit dramatic in a crazy way) to a club called Sonar in the nice part of downtown. There was a DJ playing called Krafty Kuts from the UK (totally recommend him). He plays brekbeats but used old school beats! Unbelievable! I danced my butt off. Really, I sweat so much I think I lost 10 lbs. We got to dance on the little stage that was there beside the DJ booth.
After the club (which was full of boys whom I loved, there were hats everywhere to "steal") we went to an after-party downtown at someguys apt. It was this small bach. place but we had a chill time. CT and Michelle you two would have died the smoke from all the weed was so thick(I loved it, sorry). Then we trudged to Aarons' place to crash (at like 6am) , we walked up the driveway and I started to see the most beautiful view of the city! Then they took me to the balcony and I almost pooped my pants! The view was amazing! It was on a hill overlooking the WHOLE city. From Grouse Mountain (which is still lit up even 'tho the runs are closed, tease) to the other side of the city! I was stunned. I think I stood there for an hour......
I am hoping to get out there again so I can take pics.
Now that I made up for my lack of going out on weekends, I can't wait until I do it again!
Peace :) Amanda

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