Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day....

Hello Ladies how is everyone doing? Well how was everyone's valentines day yesterday, I figured there would be some interesting posts on here about what people did. Last night Sean and I went to daMarizio and the food was spectacular! http://www.damaurizio.ca/ we had calamari, lobster bisk, i had duck and sean and rabbit and we had sorbetti and geletto for dessert not to mention a bottle of nice red wine! It was great. I love eating out like that. And after our meal there is a french passtire chef who sent us home with choclate hearts with chocolates inside of them.
Well I got a new Lululemon shirt today ( i got it off of ebay) and i'm off to spinning class now and I'm super pumped to be wearing it! Lindsay you and I can be lulu sisters now! I've got a coat coming in the mail too...so much fun.
Well I should get going just thought I would how everyones day was yesterday....love ya lots



The Girls said...

Um yeah I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. But my day was spent with 25 angels who were wired in the morning let alone in the afternoon when we had chips, brownies, cookies, juice, fruit and chocolates! Then my evening was spent at the rink coaching and skating that off. People really eat rabbit?

The Girls said...

well my V'tines day was spent working and serving other happy couples food! I didn't mind however as I love where I work and the people are great! The managers even gave us roses!
Glad you had a romantic night Pam. It is fun to do that once and awhile. Dress up and shmoose with the "fancy people".
Take care and come to the west anytime!!! Amanda