Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My weekend

Hello there ladies,Not a whole lot to tell from this old gal. My kids are in gym and I'm taking a break. On Saturday night Megan's old roomate BJ was having a good-bye party at Martine's place. So Meg, Kendra and I headed over there. Kendra never got out of the cab but Megan and I went in. We then went to Morons and China Garden. Would you believe I have absolutely no stories. I know you think I'm joking and there's a story coming but there's actually not. We didn't get to Myrons until about 1:30. Saul and J Mac tried to convince me to go back to Ray Tatover's but I wasn't feeling that and that was the end of my night. This weekend Slow Coaster is playing at Baba's but I think I'll sit it out seeing as I can not Baba's. But Saturday night maybe... what do you say old married Marla??


The Girls said...

SLOWCOASTER!!!! Again CT I must have not made a good enough impression on you with my Eastcoast loves!
Oh well I am sad that I can't go, I miss Baba's but I suppose there are things out here to keep me going.
Hope you girlies go out this weekend! I need some good dirt on PEI.

The Girls said...

I am leaving for Florida on Saturday afternon but I totally want to go out next Saturday night when I get home... So, Carolyn- find something sexy to wear and let's hit the town! haha I do believe that Amanda is currently in first place, seeing you had a very uneventful night out... but I'll help you get some racy stories to post ;)


The Girls said...

Oh yeah that'll be great! You'll have this gorgeous tan and some sexy little number from Florida and I'll look albino! Still up for going out though, always up for it!

The Girls said...

Marla doesn't tan! Please Marla, wear lots of SPF no lobster skin allowed! Amanda