Friday, February 04, 2005

Having a cold and still working!

So I feel like crap. It started yesterday, I woke up and things just were not right, I blacked out....and then all of a sudden my sinus were terrible, I can't stand to have anything touch me cause it hurts...not fun. Well I'm feeling a bit better I didn't go to the gym today in hopes that my body will recover. But I still have to work b/c there is a women out on stress leave which means I have to fill her shifts too. I couldn't sleep last night ( I even had class) so I watched ER and the OC both were great. What is everyone doing this weekend? Im going to a benefit for Janice's youthgroup who are going to Equador (spelling??) you buy tickets, theres entertainment and they serve you dessert (I'm hoping for cheesecake). Saturday we are going to the market and then shopping (minus Lindsay) and then having a "valentines" supper with the girls. I hope i start to feel better soon. Hope everyone is doing well I will talkt oyou later


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