Monday, February 14, 2005

Canadian Idol hoax

I was working the other night with a girl that tried out for Canadian Idol here in Van city. She told me the whole process and I was quite shocked!!! Now I know how they get the terrible people to go on T.V. Apparently the whole thing is set up in groups of no more than 5 people being judged at a time (for the first round of judges). At that time the judges pick the best and the WORST out of those 5 and send the others packing even if they were amazing!!!! I know, I know the whole media thing and funny singers produce ratings, but it still makes me sad that some of the people auditioning just don't get a chance because "Joe Cool" with his bad voice decides to try out and is funny enough to get on t.v. That is the media for ya and they make the big bucks!!! I swear when I move to Costa Rica to live in my "beach hut" with my surfer husband there is no way I am buying a television. Although I am still watching Canadian Idol to see Steven sing Heave Away. That will be worth it!!!!

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