Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Another day, another dollar

Hi ladies,

Don't have much to tell you today. Another day gone by. I got paid today which was quite exciting, but that was probably the only exciting thing that happened. I've been reading Darcy's blog ( and I agree with Carolyn, I'm just waiting for the moment Matt Allas says something about me or any one of us. My fond memories of him from high school include us fighting in Mr. Roper's geometry class, and having to suffer through having a locker next to him and him copying my calculus assignements in first year even though he was smarter than me. Go figure. I am getting even more excited for the trip out west. I was in touch with Lee yesterday (met him in Sydney...he's the one from Texas who says y'all) and he's moving back to Cali at the end of this month and wants to come meet up with me and Amanda when we get to San Diego :) Could be a good time. As for news from the real world, I've got nothing. I was trying to round up some people to go bowling tonight, but it doesn't look like that's going to work out, so I suppose I'll be watching Lost instead. Look like a good one. I should be's 4:01 which means I've been here one minute longer than I should be. Talk to you all soon.


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