Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Papers up my ass....

So, I am sitting here going back and forth between three papers that are all due within the next 48 hours. What is wrong with me? I am such a procrastinator. Is anyone else getting to the point where they could fall asleep just about anywhere that is relatively comfortable due to lack of sleep? I am beginning to forget how much I hated being in the real world working full-time... The worst part is, I gave up drinking pop and eating sweets, so I don't even have those to get me through.... I need a fix... sometimes I wish I did speed to keep me awake. haha No, I don't really wish that. Anyone have some realistic, helpful suggestions to get me through this very long night that I am about to endure? Sorry Carolyn, looks like my big ol' butt will be sitting here at my computer rather than working it at UFit tonight.

Later girls, Marla

P.S. Did anyone watch the Bachelorette last night? I have to admit, Jerry is one very sexy man!


The Girls said...

And Jerry is such a sweetie too! She's an idiot. On that note Marla my booty will not be at ufit this evening either as I'm heading to two different rinks in the next 4 hours and trying to get 25 report cards done. Gonna be a good one!

Anonymous said...

Marla I could hook you up with some speed if you really need it!hahaha Actually i am not kidding, BC is the drug capital of Canada. It is everywhere! I miss Ufit, and sorry I don't watch the Bachelorette I'm too busy being one myself :)
Love ya and good luck with the papers, you can do it!
Peace, Amanda