Monday, March 14, 2005

My Near Death Experience

This is a good one. So, Trev got home last night at 4:00am, which is fine. Not sure if he was working or partying, but judging from the number of times I heard him bumping into the box of beer bottles in the kitchen, I'd say he was partying. I could hear him bumping and clanging around in the kitchen, and he was only in there for a couple minutes, so I figured he just got a drink and went to bed.

Around 6:00am I woke up to the smell of burning. I could also hear noises coming from the kitchen so I thought maybe Trev hadn't gone to sleep yet and was up again cooking. The noises continued, along with the burning smelled like when you turn on the oven really high and leave it on with nothing in it...and when the sounds and smell didn't stop at all, I decided to get up and check out the scene in the kitchen.

This is what I saw...a pot with 2 hot dogs in it, thick black burned on stuff stuck to the bottom of the pot and the burner up on maximum. The sounds was the popping and crackling of the hot dogs on the bottom of the pot. Only a matter of time before the mess burst into flames. My hypothesis as to what happened is this...he got home, put some hot dogs in a pot of water to boil at 4:00 when he got home, went in his room and forgot about them and/or fell asleep. It must have taken a couple hours before the water all evaporated and the dogs started to burn. I could have killed him.

Now, I ignored when he left the oven on all night, or the other two times he left burners on overnight with nothing on them, but this one can't be ignored. I would not have enjoyed being woken up by the fire alarm, and the smokiness was getting near that point when I woke up and turned on the fan. I don't know how his g/f can handle it. Anyway, when I get home, Trev and I have to have a little talk and perhaps make a rule that he's not allowed to use the stove/oven after midnight.

As for the rest of the weekend, Saturday afternoon Pegs, Hugh, Shannon and I went bowling, then had dinner, drank at my place and went to the Honest Lawyer. It's a cool bar. There are all kinds of video games, and a mini bowling alley. We were supposed to meet Jamie and his friends there and they finally arrived about an hour and a half after planned. Apparently the cab drivers had gone on strike. So we only hung out with them for about 10 minutes before we left. Yesterday Hugh made a turkey dinner and we were joined by Peggy's brother and sister-in-law who's about ready to pop with their baby. She's due on Thursday. So, that was it. No real plans for the week and my dad's going to be here this weekend, so I'd say it'll be pretty low key.

This is getting to be really long, so I'll end it here and try to sctually do some work here today. That'll be something different. Hope you all had good weekends.

Love, MC

1 comment:

The Girls said...

Michelle that is really scary! You better talk to him and kick his ass! Its a good thing that you have a good smeller! Let him have it, i think that the no cooking after mid night is a good rule! ahha Hope nothing bad else happens! Hang in there!
