Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh Girls!

It's Friday ladies! Know what I'm planning for the big night. Not a thing really anymore. I was planning to go out to Matt Mayes but I don't know if anyone's going anymore and since u-fit was cancelled last night it's a go tonight so I think I'll do that instead. My students are in library and I just checked my email. Damn poultry! As if I want to sign up to be on his birthday reminder list, Why would he send that to me? That's about it for me, the week has really flown by if you get my drift. In total we had 2.5 days of school, what a week! It is kind of disruptive though as we aren't nearly as far along in math as we should be. Plus I have in the freezer right now mugs so when we take them out we can study frost! Sounds good huh? Love you all,
PS What's everyone else planning for the evening? Let me know so I can live vicariously through you guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are thinking of ditching Matt Mayes! He is my husband and I love him! Yep it's me Amanda, how did you guess :)
I hate poultry! Especially the dark meat, damn dark meet you never know what it is made of.
As for tonight I have a date!!! I will be careful, it is one of my many guys I met on lavalife, you single gals have got to try it! Unreal! I will let ya know how it goes. I think he is picking me up after work and then we are going for dinner. I shaved my legs just incase(hahaha kidding).
Frost is cool!
Love yas, Amanda
PS did you give this site to Marla? If you didn't could I?