Monday, January 24, 2005

Another Snow Day...Not For Me!

Well its a snow day all across the provience but not for me. I have to work at 1pm as always. They actually told me the other day that if I couldn't make it in the next day to come in that night at stay the night! FUN eh? I did get a lot of reading done yesterday as it stormed I think I read about 100 pages of research methods, how exiciting. Well I'm really excited to see Carolyn (who is coming over on Friday)!! Well I should get going hope everyone is doing well.

1 comment:

The Girls said...

Not a snow day for me either. Seems it never snows here. It's unbearably cold...-30 was the warmest in the last week and a half. I guess it's probably too cold to snow. I would love to have a day off work, even if it meant there was 5 feet of snow.