Thursday, January 27, 2005

The bear's out of hibernation

You'll never believe it...I came home from work to hear the vacuum!!! The bear had emerged from his cave and was not only vacuuming, he had even moved the funiture around to get underneath it. It's a miracle. Now he's using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to clean the walls. Hard to believe. Other than this, this highlights of my day included going to a meeting this morning to take minutes, then going to lunch and sitting in the library reading, then doing a little work before a staff meeting where we had chocolate cake, then home. On the way home my regular bus just didn't come, so after waiting what seemed like forever, I took a different one. It ended up taking a weird detour, so I ended up getting off and walking through the mall. Good thing I did. I decided to go to Bata to check out the shoes, and found myself my first pair of bitch boots. CT you'll be glad to know they aren't pointy. So anyway, the best part is they were only $23.99...gotta love 75% off sales :) So, that's been my day. Pegs will be here in a couple hours for the OC and then tomorrow's Friday!!! Hoping my cousin will give me a call. If not, it'll be TV adn beer again for me this Friday night . Excitement!! Well, I should be off to eat. Hope this satisfies you CT. Talk to you all soon.



The Girls said...

NO YOU DID NOT!!! Bitch boots.......michelle, I lived with CT's shawl I mean poncho so I suppose i can adapt with the boots!
Good on the roomie! Pat on the back for that one.
Enjoy the OC and hope you go out this weekend!
Love, Amanda

The Girls said...

Amanda, do I need to remind you of the arm warmer/glove/I don't even know what those things were that you got? The boots were practical. I needed them for work, and how can you go wrong when they're $25? I'll be sure to bring them to Vancouver ;)Maybe you're want to borrow them. Haha


The Girls said...

Michelle? When are you going to Vancouver