Saturday, January 22, 2005

never get your blind date drunk

So there we were having a great time and meeting all his friends when......... BOOM he gets drunk! What the hell?!?!?!
It is weird how you can have awesome conversations with someone then the boy has a few Coronas and trys to pick up another chick. Now don't get me wrong, we didn't go out on the expectation of romance and we are too much alike to get into that (remember Jonny girls) . He wanted to take me out and meet some people which I did. Thank God one of his best friends (Shannon) is a girl and we got along great! If it wasn't for her I would be still walking home from Surrey.
He took me to a bar called the Mirage. aka Myrons. I liked Cheeky Monkey's better! You all know I usually wouldn't go to a place like that normally..... but I gave it a try. Thank God for the hot bartender with the weird voice who gave me a couple of free drinks!
Then we went back to his friends place (minus his friend Shannon), so all by myself with this guy (Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde) . I tryed to fit in with his friends that were there, but there is only so much I can do. I hate talking about sex and picking up with strangers while dance music is pumping in the background! Oh well I tried. Then I got sleepy so I crashed in the spare bedroom. Clay was somewhere but I didn't care, but then mid sleep I awoke and did the whole "oh my God where am I " thing and then relized I was alone. It is a scary feeling. Quite a risk I took.
Then Clay stumbled in and at least I knew he was still there! Relief, I knew he wouldn't have left me it is just good to know! he crashed beside me and we slept. The morning we woke up and kissed....., we really work good together in that department. Now I have a hickey! Who does that anymore! And I have to look for a job! So embarrased. We went out for breakfast, I explaned that I had a good time and glad I got to meet his friends but it is not my crowd. Explained to him what I was like and he said he is not normally like this. Which I understand, because Shannon explained it all to me. He is just one of those guys (one of many) who are different when they are drunk! Too bad really. We get along great when he is sober!!! I will just never see him drunk again. So here I am back home and now I know never get your blind date drunk! Go rockcliming instead!

1 comment:

The Girls said...

Words to live by Amanda! I will never get my blind date drunk, if I ever have another date. But way to go sounds like your dating is going great!