Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wasting away in the Tropics

Hi ladies,

It is sooooooo hot here in Ottawa. I believe it's currently around 40 or so with the humidex. A little sticky for my liking. No A/C in the new place either, so I basically just have to sit directly in front of my one little fan and hope for the best. I'm getting groceries on the way home and I'm going to try to get a fan. Hopefully they're not totally sold out from the heat wave. Dad's coming to visit next week and I've got my fingers crossed that he loves me enough to buy me an air conditioner.

In other news, I'm all moved in to the new apartment and I love it. I still have a few little things to do and it's messy already, but it's all mine and I don't have to worry about a creepy ass landlord coming in when I'm not home and leaving the toilet seat up as evidence that he was there. On the contrary, my new building manager, Mo, seems like a really cool guy. Around our age I think. He left me a message yesterday to tell me how to buzz people in to the building and told me to give him a call to let him know how the apartment's working out. The only complaint so far is the heat, but that's to be expected on the 16th floor when it's 36 degrees outside and you still don't have any curtains up to block out the sun. I'll post pics when I'm finished decorating.

This weekend Pegs, Hugh and I are off to Montreal for the night on Saturday to take part in the International Beer Festival with the Lynds and crew. I believe there will be a reunion with Matt Allas that should provide some entertainment. I don't think I've seen him since second year university. If all his talk on their blog about how much money he makes and Lynds' stories about how he likes to share it around are true, then it should be a really good night. It'll be back here bright and early on Sunday because Pegs remembered she's supposed to go see Chicago at 2:00 that afternoon. As long as I get something greasy for breakfast before we head out, I should be ok. It'll be back to O-Town for a couple of nights, then I'm going back to Montreal on Wednesday to see Snow Patrol with Lynds. Should be fun. I'll be in town for a grand total of about 12 hours. Better be a good concert. My dad's in town the next day and, if I'm lucky, I think he's bringing some lobster. Yum!!

I should end this since I'm still at work, but I think we need an update from our friends in the West. Marla and Amanda....where are you? Marla, I think I've gathered from your MSN name that Meredith's visiting. I hope you have fun! Amanda, I think you've dropped off the face of the earth. What date exactly are you both going to be home? I can't wait to go out on the town! Pam, you'll have to update us on your new place. Kendra, I want to hear about the job when you get a chance and CT, let me know when you book your plane ticket!!!

K, Really gotta go. About to wet my pants. Miss you all and you better post soon.



The Girls said...

So, as a comment on my own post, and Matt's comments about himself on their blog, I was just reading his fantastic rant about how he just realized that other people read their blog and how mad it made him. Mental note to keep their blog out of drunk conversation this Saturday for fear of him kicking the shit out of me for reading it on a very regular basis.


The Girls said...

I know I read that earlier today and thought the same thing. My guess would be the stuff he read about the Connolly clan as Chris is living with Donnie.

The Girls said...

I don't know why he would be mad...he showed me the blog the other day. Anyone is allowed to read it.