Friday, May 05, 2006


Well although I don't know Ms. Woods I'm sure my mother could fill me in on some of those stories!! Last night Janice and I went dress shopping for Jenn's wedding and I think we got something There is a picture at that link, don't know if you can see it or not. The picture shows silver under the top but the one's we are going to get are totally black. A little black!! hahaha
Well this month has been crazy busy so far, trying to find an apartment, getting my committee together (finally!!), work while my boss taking 2 weeks off etc etc! I'll be happy when this month comes to an end!
So I'm trying to think of a memory, if we were to discuss teachers of the past I think I have too many incidients to recall, wow... Ms. Likley consistently kicking me out of class but wait none of you were in those classes you bunch of frenchies. Oh but I have one, remember the first time we ever got into Myrons. The 45 year old french men getting us in (they were french right??) and yelling "OH my god i can't believe we just got in!!!" and then running for it and ditching the oldies?
Thankfully, we always have my mother to fall back on for the laughable quotes! Thanks mom!! :)And Carolyn at Gahan "oh there's your boyfriend!!!" wow....I'll think of more
Carolyn stop picking on Michelle and her 55 chews per bite, poor thing!! hahaha

Signing out Listening to Joel Plaskett..
"I'm so cheap I might as well be free";

1 comment:

The Girls said...

I was totally drawing a blank as to when I yelled "there's your boyfriend" at Gahan. But then it came back to me that it wasn't 3 weeks ago. Man I'm the most subtle person ever.