Sunday, May 14, 2006

I heart Peakes!!

Oh ladies! So the boys did ditch me for more video games. But I decided to see if I could find my own fun. I called my friend Erin and she was heading over to her old pad to party as it was one of her former roomates b-days and her mom had made the most ridiculous cake ever. Kendra you could imagine this cake knowing her mother. So anyway it was a Toronto Maple Leaf golfing and the cake had a sand trap made of sugar, grass, the whole deal. So she called me and said yeah we called JC and he just picked up Rammer, Howie and Zuppy. Right away I knew what kind of night that was going to be. Those clowns had been drinking since about 4 on the golf course. Of course sitting there one goes so heard you went out with my cousin. I was like huh, the farmer. Oh shit! I asked him if he knew whether we were still dating as I hope he's gotten the hint by now but it is possible he hasn't. :S One offered to call him and I was terrified he would but Jeffy came to my rescue. And promised to be my date when his sister and my brother get married as we all finally agree that's going to happen. I didn't have time to down many drinks before it was time to head to the bar at like 11:30 to get in. I seem to have misplaced my id so I was terrified of the nineteen year old on a power trip at the door. As he told me it was illegal not to have id Jeffy yelled up the stairs Hey Whiter and Mike came to my rescue. So Peakes was just right. Not too crowded, but full of 19 year olds who run to the bar in tiny skirts and halters in May. Tell me we never did that someone please. Basically danced up a storm. Lost all of the girls and ended the night with Howie and his bro. Good times... Man can't someone come home before August?? Amanda?? Meanwhile I'll have to party there for all of us.
Love ya,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CT, I cannot wait to get home!! Seeing the pic of the boys made me laugh out loud because it was a total flashback to most of our Peake's nights last summer. Keep the partying going but don't overdo it, because you ladies will need all your strength in August!!!