Saturday, April 30, 2005

Festival of Lights


Just wanted to pass on what I was reading on MJ's blog just now...some of the line up for the Festival of Lights....3 Doors Down, Staind, Breaking Benjamin, Matt Mays, and Kalan Porter. Sounds like it's got to be a joke, right? MJ's done her research and I checked out all the band's sites and they really are going to be in C-town. Imagine that. This said, I need to make sure that someone gets me a pass for the whole thing as soon as they go on sale. I really really want to go. Who wants to volunteer? Things are going great out here. Amanda and I got good and drunk downtown last night. The bartender loved us and gave us each a free shot of choice. Not really needed after the 4 pitchers we split, but it was a lovely gesture and we couldn't refuse him. Ended up sending the Jodster drunk text messages and then he called back :) Can't remember all of what was said and I couldn't hear a lot of it because we were walking around all the bars, but I did figure out that he got himself and apartment and moves in tomorrow or Monday and I'm going to stay there part of next week because Amanda's snoring's keeping me up at night ;) Anyway, I should be off. We're going to go rent some movies. CT and anyone else who makes it to Peake's this weekend, I expect a full report. Leave out nothing!!! Talk to you soon.

Love, MC

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