Monday, April 18, 2005

What can I say today?

So, here I am on the Monday morning of my last week of work. I think it'd be more exciting if I had some stuff to work on. I went to my supervisor on Friday and asked her if she had anything else for me to do. Her response, "I don't think I have anything left for you." Well, that's fun. So, now I've got 5 days to kill, so if you're on MSN at all during the day, please talk to me. The upside...5 more sleeps to Vancouver.

This weekend Pegs and I went to Montreal for the night to visit the Lynds. The trip was fairly uneventful, but still a great time. Pegs and I did a bit of shopping while Lynds studies, then the three of us went for dinner and margaritas with Darcy and their neighbour Matt. After that watched Bridget Jones 2, and tried to sleep through the raging party they had next door. I slept through the yelling and singing for a couple hours until the music started around 2:15am. Thanks for the hospitality Lyndsay!

So, my plans for the week include packing, cleaning, wasting time at work, and packing some more. So much fun!!! Hope your weeks are all going to be more eventful than mine. Talk to you soon.

Love, MC

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