Monday, April 11, 2005

Spray Tanning

If any of you have ever considered getting a fake tan at one of the spray booths, I would highly recommend it. I went on Saturday, and I'm quite happy with the results. I was a little worried after they warned me to rub it in really well or there would be streaks, and that most people forget at least one part of their body the first time. Luckily for me, the only place I forgot was the tops of me feet, and I look like I've been walking through mud. Other than that, it's great. Step in the booth, turn around in a circle while it sprays you for 10 seconds, rub it all in and you're good to go. Just wanted to give you all a heads up. I know some people thought I was going to turn into an orange blob. Hope you all had a good weekend.


1 comment:

The Girls said...

I'd like to see a picture of your tan MC! Awesome that it worked out so well. As for me I am trying to decide whether or not to call in a sub for tomorrow. My nose is all stuffed up and I think I'm going to die. Not really but it's not very good at this moment. Just the thought of trying to get everything ready for a sub before I leave is a little too much to handle. I know what you're thinking why didn't you post instead of writing all of this in a comment. Well let's just c all me lazy ladies. Although perhaps I'll post some of the awesome pics I took at Rammer's on the weekend later this evening.