Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Feeling a little nauseous...

Anyone care to guess how much I just spent on a plane ticket to get home to Charlottetown for my summer break? Take a guess...I dare you. I'll give you a hint by telling you it was almost $200 more than my tickets to and from BC. That's right, I just paid a grand total of $610.07 of my very own, hard earned money to spend a little less than 10 days on our lovely little Island. Let me just say, it better be worth it!!! That's almost a month's rent. Sorry to rant, but it's just a little ridiculous if you ask me. I think that's about the same Bren is paying for his trip to the DR next week. But here's what I have to look forward to...1) the Girls (Foxy and Pam, I want you to come home too!!!) Amanda, I wish you were going to be there too, but I'll see you next week :) 2) the Festival of Lights for the first time in about 3 years 3) the beach (if there's some sort of weather miracle by then) 4) (and most importantly) Shameless at Peake's!!!! I'll be arriving at 10:23 am June 25, and leaving 6:40 pm July 4. So, that's it from me for now, but I'll leave you with a little countdown...7 days of work left, 10 days until I leave Ottawa for BC, and 73 days until I come home, and 4 months until I finish school and have to face the real world. Good times. Speaking of the real world, maybe I should do some work for the first time today. Talk to you all soon.

Love, MC

1 comment:

The Girls said...

hehe, I already knew that having spent some time your dad's office yesterday! It will so be worth it and the word is that the Pamster will be home for Canada Day.