Sunday, June 18, 2006

Houston we have a problem!!

Stop the presses, hold your horses, arretez!! Today in deciding where my darling boy toy and I were going to have lunch a serious issue arose... It's the most disastrous, unimaginable predicament ever. I had a craving for PD. I'd mentioned it around 10 am and when 2 o'clock rolled around and he was still debating where he'd like to go for lunch I knew we must have a PD problem. And I'm not just saying PD in the jail, it's a full fledged PD in the corn, PD in the dish, PD in general problem. I kept trying to get out of him where he would get pizza from if he was ordering pizza and couldn't get an answer. Finally we settled on going to PD but he wasn't getting pizza. Now get this! He doesn't like their garlic fingers either! And he thinks that their ceasar salad is just fair! It's catastrophic I tell you. Over lunch I told him the inevitable. If he didn't like PD I didn't think our relationship could continue if he didn't like pizza delight. He said that wasn't a valid break-up reason and is not accepting it. Imagine that! It's perfectly valid for me. Anyway last night Kendra and I ended up going to Peakes with one of our friends Erin. We went super early and got our spot in cougar corner on the dance floor and danced up a storm. We didn't even have to worry about the hockey game because Howie was watching it and coming back regularly to update us. Of course we left the bar at like 1 am. The only other person leaving was Angus and his girlfriend and as Angus said. You guys were the only people I knew in the whole bar. It's time to face it girls. We have officially become cougars. I believe I drank to that last night and possibly cheered the bouncer on that note. Oh good time. Anyway at home spending father's day with the pops. Hope everyone is well, talk to you later.

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