Friday, June 16, 2006


Well girls, I delivered my first baby last doctor (except for the father of the unborn child, who is a paeds resident), just me and the nurse that coached me through the delivery...I'm glad it happened while I was still on my orientation, because it happens probably about once a day that the nurse delivers the was a total rush...scary, but great...

so that's my news for now, I'm home at the moment and I'll be here til wed...the weather is great, and I hope that it keeps up!!


1 comment:

The Girls said...

Congrats Kendra! That's amazing. I can't even imagine. I'm glad you're liking your new job. I had no idea that the nurses actually deliver the babies that often. I'm jealous that you're home. I wish I was :( Soon enough though I suppose. Hope you have a nice visit.