Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Glad to have such great friends :)

Well I just want to say Thank you to Michelle, who totally saved me this morning while I was trying to work on my analysis!! yikes...freakin' correlation/regression shit! :) Its great to know that whever you are you still have friends that are always willing to help you!! Thanks Michelle!!

I'm very devistated by the transformation fo P&W...I had NO idea, chilli lights and terrible seats are what made it the way it was, I as well will have to check out this scene.

As for the Canada Rocks concert, should we buy tickets in advance, I really would like to go and see it when I am home. Let me know if I have to buy them online or soemthing.

Well I present my propsal tomorrow at noon. I'm pretty nervous but I will be so glad to have it all done. I'm glad to finally be moving on to something different other then my propsal.

Talk to you all soon, I miss you all so much and can't wait for Aug. to come around.

Here's to trip 2007 ah yea!!


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