Saturday, April 08, 2006

Penny for ME!

Hey I'm glad to hear Kendra may be moving to my neck of the woods, maybe we could actually see each other, I don't know??!! Anyway, we went to the copper penny last night after our mexican party and many margaritas later wow that place is too funny and trashy. We didn't really expect to go out but those are always the best nights aren't they? We thought it would be funny to go to the penny and well it was!! Anyway I'm just working on my ethics submission right now, Aine (advisor) has a draft of my propsal I'm trying to get this thing going and I just can't seem to get Aine to move it along already. Anyways I"m just gonna keep on trucking away here. I'm so excited for Lyndsay and madonna, I wish I was going SOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all abou it. I guess I'll come home when everyone else is just let me know so I can get work off. Thanks and I"ll talk to you all later.


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