Saturday, April 08, 2006

I'm so excited!!!

We did it!!!! We had people trying on the internet (thanks MC!!!), on the phone and in line. Luckily they announced a 2nd show and my friends were right there. (I was home directing the network of helpers.) The weather was horrible last night but it worked to our advantage because there weren't very many people in line at the sketchy ticket place early this morning. Some places had a ridiculous amount of people waiting. I'M SO EXCITED.
Love you girls,

Still don't know exact date when I'm coming home. I have to wait until I get my research proposal back to see if there are many editions needed before it's submitted to Ethics. Hoping to leave here by the 21st and be home until the 29th. Shameless is playing Thursday and Friday...anyone in??? Kendra?? Pam??? I know CT's in because we already got excited about it.

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