Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Ottawa Gala

Me waiting at the bar for the 7 tequila shots we needed (gross)

Me and Simon

Me and Hope

Me, Sarah, Hope (from work) and Claire

I'm not sure why it made all the pics go to the top of the post, but I can't seem to fix it. Oh well.

Lynds, I've become blog obsessed too. CT, your written description of your Friday night antics wasn't nearly as entertaining as it was to hear you describe it on the phone. I did laugh out loud when I read Lyndsay's post about your MSN convo. I can only imagine.

As for me, I had a great time attending the Gala. I went met up with Joanna, who just lives at the bottom of my street and we shared a cab downtown and met up with the rest of the crew. When we got there I got to meet Hope's husband, brother, sister and parents. They were all really nice. Hope's my bestie here at work and she's the one who convinced us all to go to the Gala. She is also the one busting my ass at the gym, so I could actually fit into my dress :) So, we were in the VIP room for about 3 hours with free drinks. Many, many beer and a group tequila shot later, the VIP room was closed down and we headed out into the main hall to mingle with the common folk. This is where the evening gets a little bit fuzzy...I started taking a lot more pictures, but I don't remember much otherwise. It was during this time that I decided to switch from beer to 4 vodka cranberries (I can't even think about it without gagging a little). We danced up a storm and the evening came to an end. We lost Hope and her hubby halfway through the night. Turns out he fell asleep/passed out on a chair at the back of the room.

All in all I had a great time, but I paid for it on Sunday. Plans to go to Dick's Dairy Dip (the O-Town equivalent of the Frosty Treat) with Pegs were ruined as I spent the entire day moving no further than the distance from the couch to the bathroom. I still felt like ass all day at work yesterday, and I'd say I'm still only back to about 85% of normal today. My insides are hurting. As good old TR told me this morning on MSN, we're getting to the age where going out hardcore really kicks our ass the next day.

So, that's about it for me. Hope you all had good weekends too. Miss you lots!!!



The Girls said...

You looked so pretty Michelle!!! Glad to hear you had a fun at your Gala...maybe too much fun. :) It's worth it to go all out once in awhile. It's an excuse to stay in your pjs the next day!!
Miss you.

The Girls said...

I forgot something....any hot boys at this Gala????

The Girls said...

I noticed a few at the beginning of the night, then I got drunker and drunker and started not to notice anyone other than the people I was with. I disappointed myself in that regard. Oh well.