Wednesday, May 25, 2005

They're kicking out ass!

Ladies ladies! The boys blog is kicking out blog's ass. They write about really dumb stuff but at least they write. So how are your RRSP's going? Just kidding. Here's what I propose. Michelle once said that this was a place to remember good times. Well I've had a few good times that may not be recorder here on this blog. So I propose that we start posting some good times. As well I'd like some quotes. One of my friends when they threw a party once they made posters with some of the dumb things she'd said on them. Well I'm not saying I've said some dumb things but maybe every once in awhile. So here's how I'm gonna start. A few quotes from some people, you may or may not recognize these.

"You'll have a better chance of picking up if you're by yourself."
" I should have been a doctor, I was really smart in high school science."
"Suck it." This one is allegedly said.
"Oh my God I'm a whorre I've had sex with everyone in this picture except Mr. Pendergast!"
"Here Carolyn, eat this and see if it's poisonous."
" Hey Donnie Brown I can't feel my face."
This is all I have time for right now but see who can come up with some others.LOve you all,CT

1 comment:

The Girls said...

What the hell? Somehow the post I tried to make last night posted on its own. Anyway come on girls show me what you got!