Thursday, May 26, 2005

Not only quotes!

There are so many funny times that I remember....but cannot remember the sayings that go along with them proboley because there was a touch of alochol involved! Remember these?

Not letting certain people take cab rides with us?

Trivia with newman or better yet dating newman?

I think someone once told a funny story about these girls in flordia and how one wouldn't let the other have any room in the bed???!!!!

The always classic "who are you?"

Does anyone else remember Dawyne? and his purple fizz bath? ....I know i do...Kendra what about the nice view we got the next morning?!

I'm much did you drink.....1/2 pint! (Oh how we've grown!)


Speaking of which I believe we could make a book with all the names we have for people, those too make me laugh!

Was it breakfast or a cake at TRs????

"I just want us all to be together to bring in the new year!" (I will admitt this was an exceedingly drunk moment of mine ..... believe it or not it was before the head was slammed in the front door!)

Oh Im laughing just thinking about all of these! Good times good times!



The Girls said...

It was cake at TR's. He and I reminicsed about that at Christmas and how it was ALL OVER the kitchen and he had to spend like an hour the next day scraping crap off the floor to get it cleaned up before Big Al got home. Oh good times.


The Girls said...

Dwayne. Do you guys remember one night on the dance floor when I was dancing with Chris McQuillan and he was pretending to stretch. He knocked Dwayne's beer out of his hand and we were all just like oh my God it's Dwayne! How about the Souris dude with like 4 names. I only remember Cory and Ted.

The Girls said...

Cory Kent/Ted I believe.


The Girls said...

oh my god pam, I totally remember that night/that morning....what was that song we were singing before we got that great view??? I can't remember and I've been trying to think about was by some wanna be boy band....

The Girls said...

I see nothing funny about dating Newman!