Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'm gonng have to think for this

hey oh so many quotes but to remember them...ouch! I'm bad at this sorta thing

How about these....

"Hey Darrell whats up?"

"Hey guys I just kissed ****, watch I'll show you" (hint new years eve)

"Oh my god, do up your belt!"

Why is this so hard to do and think of things, i'm going to try harder and come back to this later



The Girls said...

Oh my god...Melissa and the undone belt at a high school dance...definite good times. I have a list of quotes somewhere. I'll post as soon as I find it.


The Girls said...

Oh my God I'm also laughing at the belt! Good one Pam. I wasn't even there but feel as if I was, the one high school dance I missed!!

The Girls said...

hey girls...that wasn't the only time she made an appearance in public with her belt undone....does anyone remember the other time??

hint...think last lifeguard party of the summer