Thursday, May 26, 2005

My contribution

This is quite entertaining. I haven't been able to think of too many so far, however I did find the email CT sent me when I departed for TO that includes a whole list of them :) So, some are mine and some are thanks to CT. Forgive me if there are a few repeats. I can't check what's already there while I write this. Here we go:

"Hen, CHICKEN, Rooster, Duck!" - CT trying to get herself under the water at the beach (haha)

"What the hell did we come here for?...Go upstairs with the boy" - also CT, follwed the next morning by "Get your bra and let's go!" from me.

"Did you know they have laptops at Acadia? Did you know they use PowerPoint at Acadia?" - Tony P.

"Look...Elephant Rock turned around and his back leg became the trunk" - I think that was me...oh Destination PEI

"I was in the stall and someone dropped a beer bottle on my head!" - also me at Peake's...I recall I was crying while CT was laughing her ass off at me

"Hey guys, where did Ellen go?" and 2 seconds later "Hey guys, where's Chris?"

"Good morning Sir" - Johnny

"I'm not a drug dealer!!!" - Jordan C.

The next few aren't really quotes more just general reminders of good times:
  • Daytime Myron's
  • Is that a tarp?....oh no wait, it's a raft the size of a school bus full of a bunch of dumbass 19 and 20 year olds
  • Text messages on the dance floor (I think that was just me) although I did get one from the Lynds once while I was at Peake's

Oh good times for sure. I miss you guys!!!!! So, who's going to be home for the 25th for sure? I know it's a month away, but I'm just going to assume we're having a BBQ at CT's and I have a suggestion for beverages. When I went to visit the Lynds in December we made this highly potent flavored rum punch. Absolutley delicious and shockingly strong. Personally I've got at least 2 midterms, a final and a presentation in the week leading up to that weekend, so I'm going to need to get good and drunk and head to Peake's! Can't wait. I'm very sorry for those of you who won't be able to join us. We'll have a drink in your honor. Ok, I'm off now as I have to get some school work done. Blah.

Almost forgot...I FINALLY got myself a phone. The number's (416) 340-1952. Also, my address is 111 St. George St., Suite 639, Toronto, On., M5S 2E8

Talk to you all soon.

Love, MC


The Girls said...

was it me that dropped the beer bottle on your head?? opps!


The Girls said...

No, it wasn't you...somerandom girl thought it would be a good idea to balance a beer bottle onthe top of the stall at Peake's.