Wednesday, November 08, 2006

C' can do it!!

Someone please post!! Darcy has been showing off his newly revamped blog. I'm so jealous! BTW - I'm sure he'd give ours a make-over if anyone's interested. At least I think he will - maybe he likes having the cooler blog. I keep checking to see if anyone has posted. Kendra - so excited to see your comment! In the last week I have become a hermit - trying to work my ass off - so I need some entertainment. Even if it's a boring's better than nothing. :) Maybe this will work...I hear McSteamy is going to start chasing Meredith. That bitch - why does she get all the boys?? For the record - McSteamy is way hotter than McDreamy. MC - Jules agrees with us too! Everyone else is crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one hot, sexy, McSteamy picture!