Saturday, September 09, 2006

More Peas Please!

That's right ladies, last weekend the Black Eyed Peas invaded C-town. Well Kendra and I decided that despite the gate opening at 12:30 we would head to the concert grounds around 5 - 5:30. Probably a good idea. It was a very hot day and we could hear the music from my house anyway. When we got there people were set up everywhere with their blankets etc. it looked like a family picnic not a rock concert. We sat down and everyone around us was eating PD pizza and we decided to get in on that action. Watched the Philosopher Kings before I had to brave the port-a-potty. What a time to be without your purel. So anyway after the Philosopher Kings we decided a beer was in order so we headed to the tent in time for the Pussy Cat dolls. I thought they weren't nearly as inappropriate as they could have been. In fact they did all have most private areas covered. Could have been because we were so far back we couldn't really see them just hear them and see the 3 dancing up on the catwalk. Talked to a few people in the beer tent but really didn't see many people we knew, probably because there were so many people there. For the Peas Foxy and I decided to head her up to the front because there was only two of us. We actually managed to get pretty close. The only issue was that on one side of us was a little girl with her mom and on the other side was the most obnoxious drunk guy I've ever seen. They were so awesome and they played for a really long time. During Where is the Love they told everybody to take out their cellphones and turn the light on and wave them in the air. It was pretty cool looking. The only real complaint on my end was when the obnoxious drunk guy pulled down his fly, whipped it out and started peeing. His friend was like dude and basically grabbed it and aimed. Kendra and I kinda freaked when we started getting splashed. I mean who does that, I was terrified he was going to puke on me. Still overall an amazing concert and apparently it brought in like 2 million to the city because there were so many people staying in hotels and eating etc. All right hope everyone is doing well, it's been a somewhat crazy week for me but hey I enjoy a challenge. Looking forward to seeing pics of Stella MC.

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