Thursday, August 04, 2005

It had the potential of being the worst day of my life...

Well Foxy you wanted to know what I've been up to. Well Tuesday night I was over at the Lynds' until like midnight going through all of our pictures. Of course playing with the new puppy a little as well. Of course we told her mom that my dog was 14 and still perfectly healthy. Jinx!! Wednesday morning my brother called me and was like I have to go to work and you better come over and say good-bye to the dog she was sick all night long and now she's stumbling around like she's drunk. Over I come and girls she got up to see me walked to me and fell down and I bawled like I haven't bawled in years. You know how little kids cry until they lack oxygen. I was doing that. Eventually she followed me downstairs being a total trooper but could get back up so I had to carry her and when I put her down she fell and she couldn't get back up and I was an absolute mess. I called mom to come home to take her to the vet with me to have her put down because I just couldn't watch her suffer like that. Her eyes were going back and forth like crazy and mom as soon as she came home confirmed my thoughts, that she'd had a stroke. We got her into the car and drove to the vet clinic. The vet looks at her and tells us it's nothing serious, common in older bigger dogs and will be gone in 3-5 days. If not then it's a brain tumor. But he was pretty confident it's this thing. I couldn't believe it but sure enough I'm over here to take care of my baby again today and she seems so much better than yesterday. So that's basically been my past couple of days. Going to the movies with Peggy and Kerry this afternoon and then to Canada Rocks tonight with Lyndsay. I heart summer on PEI! Kendra I'll be around all weekend but Lynds will be at Chris and Moira's wedding.
Later ladies,


The Girls said...


That's horrible about the dog! I know how it feels to see them like that. I'm glad she's getting better. T-minus 12 sleeps.


The Girls said...

oh CT, I'm sorry about the dog...and I hope she's still getting better...I'm coming home this afternoon, see you soon.
