Thursday, July 07, 2005

New Baby Soon

Hey there! Well I'm heading to the Ching's for the night tonight. Janice went into the hopsital this am, and is going back tomorrow 9am. So I'm going out there tonight to help with the kids. She said that they are going to be putting her on the drip so she could be in there for a couple of days before having the baby, but they are going to do this and see if it starts anything. I'm so excited. I think that she will have a girl but who would be nice if Caleb would have a little brother to play with too. My cousin Kate is working on the same floor this weekend so that will be fun too...wonder if Kendra will be around. Anyways stay tuned for an update! Talk to you all soon


1 comment:

The Girls said...

hey pam, I'm not working today, I'm still home in PEI...but I'm working sunday and monday night, so I'm sure that I'll probably see you all then! Kendra