Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Adventures in grade 2

That's right ladies it's story time. So gather round, sit on your bums so the people behind you can see. That's it. Where to begin, I have had strep throat for a total of 10 days now and it's still not under control. My voice now fades in and out and I'm coughing like crazy. I finishedv parent teacher interviews last week and a lot of the parents asked if I wanted them to send stuff for Halloween. After last years 7 different kinds of cookies I mostly hinted that I didn't want treats coming in. I got 4 different kinds of cookies, cupcakes, candy and microwave popcorn. Now I was able to spread all of those things out not too bad throughout the day. The crisis, you know there's always a crisis when we're talking about me, came right around lunchtime. I put the microwave popcorn in the microwave and just after it started popping the bell rang so I went back to meet the kids. Told them to get their lunches and settle down and headed back to the kitchen. As I'm walking I['m going shit what's that smell. I got to the kitchen and I swear it was smokey, I'm amazed I didn't set off the fire alarm. The bag actually had a black mark that looked like it had been on fire. Obviously we didn't eat it. Went back to class and there was an announcement asking that anyone who did not know how to microwave popcorn should come to the office for a little lesson. My class strongly encouraged me to go. Then the kid who brought it opened his lunch and he had another bag of popcorn. So I went and popped it, we ate it and sent the rest to the office as proof I did know how to make popcorn. All right ladies that's it for me, hope this gives you a little laugh.

1 comment:

The Girls said...

oh caroline, I think we always knew that cooking wasn't your thing!! I'm coming home this wednesday girls and I can't wait!!